About DeVryWorks

Activate. Innovate. Influence. It's How We Work.

When it comes to skills gaps, we’ve got you covered. You’re looking for a partner to help you analyze your team’s skills gaps, create succession plans, and build learning pathways, so your future leaders shine as bright as your vision.

We’ll work closely with you to build a succession plan to tackle the skills gaps you’re facing today so you can grow your business tomorrow. With regular check-ins and your dedicated team, for immediate access and personalized touchpoints—we’ll support, guide, learn and grow with you.

How We Help Clients

We’ll help you identify skills gaps, then create learning pathways to upskill and reskill your critical talent. Our learning pathways are intended to foster innovative mindsets and forward-thinking within your team to help you outpace your competition. We use industry relevant learning infused with hands-on projects and capstone courses to cultivate the work-ready skills your team needs today.

Ways in which we can help support you include:
  • Assistance with building a talent succession plan

  • Identify high potentials

  • Pinpoint the critical roles needed

  • Assess skills gaps

  • Set learning pathways

  • Create benchmarks and target milestones

  • Regular check-ins and status meetings to assess goals

  • Constantly adjust your talent succession plan as your team evolves

Looking to Transform Your Team's Skills?

Connect with a DeVryWorks skills consultant.

Virtual Event

AI & Upskilling: Shaping Today's Workforce

In the midst of the AI Workforce Revolution, skills are evolving at a rapid pace. 77% of employers believe everyone needs upskilling or reskilling to keep up with the pace of technology, including AI. How is your organization preparing to drive growth with an augmented workforce? Join us to explore worker and employer sentiment, gaps in thinking and discuss tangible approaches to preparing for the future.

**1.0 SHRM continuing education credit eligible**

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Always Available

We provide a single point of contact and a team of specialists to support you and your business. We’re committed to truly understanding your goals and working toward them with your time frame and business objectives in mind.

When you work with our consultants, you have access to a wide range of resources that can build up the capabilities you need to see your team and your business grow and thrive.